Site Investigation
Site Investigation Services
Good quality site investigation is a vital part of any assured design. We are able to apply a range of investigation techniques to suit the engineering objectives, access constraints and budget of your project.
Our team of specialist engineers and scientists can advise on the most suitable method to suit any project. They have experience across different sectors on projects ranging from domestic insurance claims and house builds to major infrastructure design and large commercial developments.
Investigations can be tailored to suit geotechnical and geo-environmental requirements. Exploratory holes can be utilised to gather data related to both disciplines. For example drilled geotechnical boreholes may be installed with standpipes to allow groundwater sampling. Our specialist technicians are also trained in construction materials testing. Allowing a range of disciplines to be covered by one investigation team.
Intrusive investigations can be supervised by one of our team of Project Engineering Geologists or Geo-environmental Scientists if required to ensure that appropriate and high quality data is recovered from site.
Site investigation data is displayed on logs available in .pdf and .ags formats, with engineering soil and rock descriptions to BS5930. Typically this is followed by laboratory testing. Concluding in production of factual and/or interpretive reports specific to the project requirements.
We are Quality Assured
Our site investigation works are assured by industry accreditations including ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001 and all Technicians and Engineers are qualified to work across multiple environments in the construction industry, including Rail and Highways sites.
Site investigation techniques & services include, but are not limited to:
Hydrostatic Diamond Coring
Pre-investigation site walkovers
Window Sampling
Windowless/Dynamic Sampling
Cable Percussive Boreholes
Foundation recommendations
Rotary Boreholes
Subsidence and/or heave of clay soils
Trial Pits and Foundation Exposure
Geotechnical parameters for temporary and permanent design
Geo-environmental conceptual site models (CSMs)
Winter Groundwater Monitoring and Permeability Testing (BRE-365)
Hydrogeological and geological characterisation