If, like us, you work in the construction industry, you’ll have heard countless times to be wary of asbestos. We won’t go into the dangers of asbestos here because that’s a blog for another time. You’ve also probably heard all about the dangers before if you have had your asbestos awareness training. (If you work in the industry and haven’t had asbestos awareness training, contact us.)
What you may not know, is that there are different asbestos surveys for different situations.
Management survey
As you can probably tell by the name, a management survey helps to manage asbestos containing materials (ACMs) during the normal occupation of a premises, with minimal impact to the occupants. Management Surveys are ideal where the premises are simple and straightforward. A Management Survey ensures that:
- That occupants are aware of the presence of Asbestos containing materials and therefore don’t accidentally disturb them
- Nobody is harmed by the continuing presence of ACMs in the premises, machinery or equipment
- That any ACM remains in a good condition so as not to release fibres
The asbestos survey must locate any ACM that could be damaged or disturbed by everyday activities, by maintenance, or from the installation new equipment. It involves minimal intrusion but may result in minor disturbance of the ACM in question so that it can be tested for identification purposes. The testing will show the ability of the ACM, if disturbed, to release fibres into the air. It guides the client, in prioritising any remedial work.
Refurbishment / demolition survey
The Refurbishment / demolition Survey is required where the premises, or part of it, need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition. The Survey does not need a record of the ACM condition as the materials in question will be removed and disposed of. A Refurbishment / demolition Survey aims to ensure that:
- nobody will be harmed by work on ACMs within the premises or equipment
- such work will be done by a knowledgeable contractor, correctly
The asbestos survey must locate and identify all ACMs before any structural work begins at the location in question. Surveys involve destructive inspection and likely disturbance of asbestos. The area surveyed must be vacated, and certified “fit for reoccupation” by a licenced cleaning contractor, after the survey.
It is a legal requirement that all commercial properties built before 2000 have an asbestos register. If you do not have a register, or would like an asbestos survey for another reason, contact our P402 and P405 qualified surveyors here. To find out more about our other surveying services, please click here.